The Jiva Skin Fit tablet aims at keeping our skin healthy with its unique formulation. This medication alleviates Kapha and pitta aggravation while increasing the strength of the immune system and sweat formation. All the herbs are collected, finely sorted and then ground into powder, which is then made into small tablets. We have chosen quality ingredients from organic environs for you and sorted them to ensure unmatched efficiency. We employ processes that are primed to give you a balanced product without contamination or loss of potency.
Skin Diseases and associated symptoms
The Karanj seed acts as a blood purifier and is very effective in skin diseases. Bakuchi powder is used in treatment of skin disease such as leucoderma & leprosy. It is also used in treating psoriasis. Amla and Amrita are effective in treating leprosy and erypselas. Manjistha is very effective in various skin diseases like eczema and scabies. The chopchini roots are used in rheumatism, syphilis, and skin diseases. The rhizome is made into a paste and applied to painful swellings. Neem has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and blood purifying properties. Neem is very useful in skin disorders and helps maintain a healthy, beautiful and glowing skin. Tulasi has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Manufacturer Details:
Mfg. Lic. No.: 110-ISM(HR)
Made In India
Ingredients :-
Azadirachta indica (Neem), Cyperus rotundus, Psoralia corylifolia, Ocimum sanctum, Emblica officinalis, Pongamia pinnata.
Direction :-
To be swallowed with water.