Digestion Combo Pack contains Aloe Vera Juice, Digest All Churna & Saaf Saaf Tablets and gives you complete relief from all indigestion and constipation related problems. Ingredients in the combo helps a wide range of problems like diarrhea, flatulence, and constipation. Saaf Saaf tablets purge the system and is recommended for the treatment of chronic constipation.
Helps in flatulence, constipation, diarrhoea, upset / heavy stomach, indigestion, loss of appetite. Regulates peristaltic movements, and helps clean the bowels.
Ingredients in this pack heartburn, aids in the digestive process and protects you from several common diseases. Jiva DigestAll Churna balances the Vata and Pitta in the body and stimulates the digestive fire. It helps you get rid of that heavy feeling you experience after a meal. Saaf Saaf reduces indigestion and helps in eradicating constipation and in the process of deworming.
Seller Details:
Mfg. Lic. No.: 110-ISM(HR)
Made In India
Key Ingredients :-
Aloe Vera Juice (1 N x 500 ml)
Digest All Churna (30 sachet)
Saaf Saaf Tablets (60 tablets)
Direction :-
To be consumed directly, after meals, preferably with lukewarm water.