Active Women Pack | Promotes Female Reproductive Health

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  • Delicious Ayurvedic remedy for digestive disorders
  • Provides relief from indigestion, flatulence and gastric distress
  • Stimulates secretion of digestive juices, boosts appetite
  • Regulates bowel movement
  • Helpful in relieving nausea and vomiting
  • Nourishes female health by supporting various physiological functions.
  • Valid for female rejuvenation and strength and beneficial in difficulties of those days
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Product Description

Shatavari is an all-around tonic and rejuvenating that can be given to a person of any type, constitution, male or female, youngster, or elder. It tones, cleanses, nourishes, and strengthens the female reproductive organs and is traditionally used for PMS, Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhoea, menopause, and pelvic inflammatory disease like Endometriosis. It also supports deeper tissue and builds blood, so it helps to remove infertility, prepare the womb for conception, prevent miscarriage and acts as a post-partum tonic where it helps to increase lactation and normalize the uterus and the changing hormones. Nari Sakhi is a rejuvenating Ayurvedic supplement for women. It helps nourish and cleanse the blood and helps fight the difficulties of those days. It is a safe and healthy choice for dealing with feminine health. This combination works as a rejuvenation tonic for women while helping in providing strength. It helps to bring a natural balance and nourishes women's health by supporting various physiological functions.


Works best on Infertility, Menstrual Disorders, General Debility, Feminine reproductive disorders and physiological functions


The combo comes with tablets that go along with a cooling, calming, nourishing, and purifying herb that enhances fertility and gives strength to the female reproductive organs. Especially in women, it serves as a tonic for normalizing the change of hormones during menstrual cycles as well as different stages of pregnancy. Men can use it as a rejuvenating tonic that energizes the body and gives it renewed vitality. It helps to nourish and cleanse the blood and the reproductive organs. It helps nourish and cleanse the blood and helps fight the difficulties of those days. It brings a natural balance to female hormones while supporting various physiological functions.



Seller Details:

Mfg. Lic. No.: 110-ISM(HR)

Made In India

Key Ingredients :-

  • Nari Sakhi (1 N x 60 capsules)
  • Shatavari Tablet (120 Tablets)

Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews
Best Product4894

If you have enough time to wait then buy it. Packaging and quality of product is very good.

Best Product4909

thisd product helps to remove infertility. Very good product

Best Product4897

good product for abdominal pain

Best Product4903

best Ayurvedic supplement for women

Best Product4896

good product for every women